With great responsibility comes great power

"With great power comes great responsibility."

Spiderman has superpowers, and he's told to use them wisely. We've all heard that iconic line.

But the reverse is just as true: With great responsibility comes great power.

Indeed, this reciprocal statement is more applicable to real life. Whereas Spiderman got his powers first, then learned to handle them responsibly--normal people learn responsibility first, then are granted power.


Responsibility, in the form of discipline, breeds self-control. Increased self-control gives you options.

Who would you hire? The person who throws temper tantrums or the person who controls their anger?

Who would you marry? The person who sleeps with everyone at the bar or the person who controls their lust?

Self-mastery makes you more dependable. Dependability opens doors.


Responsibility, in the form of stewardship, gives you resources. Increased resources gives you options.

If you're responsible with your money, you'll build wealth.

If you're responsible with your relationships, you'll build trust.

Resources give you a platform to jump off of. The more you have, the higher you can go.


Responsibility, in the form of service, gives you rapport. Increased rapport gives you control.

When you're responsible with your current duties, you'll be given more to handle.

When you make wise decisions with the little things, you'll be entrusted to make wise decisions with the big things.

The more responsibilities you're willing to take on (i.e. the more you serve), the more influence you'll accrue.

What do you want?

Avoiding responsibility feels comfortable. Running from commitment feels freeing. Yet the very thing we run from is the very thing that would give us the control we seek.

The more responsible you are, the more capable you become. The more capable you become, the more power you're granted.

Want power? Want influence? Want control over your life?

Responsibility first. Power second.